and some answers
If my business joins the SIT STOP campaign do we have to provide a special/designated chair?
No - any chair in the part of your business that is open to the public is fine. Equally, if a chair is willingly provided on request, that is an acceptable alternative.
Can I designate a particular chair if I wish to?
Yes, we would be delighted to supply a SIT STOP sticker for the chair if you wish. Please do contact us to order your sticker. Details are on the contacts page.
Is there a particular type of chair which is best for SIT STOP’s purpose?
Yes, a chair which has a relatively high seat and ideally arms is the easiest for most people with mobility problems to use. However any stable chair is welcome to someone who needs to sit down.
Does the chair have to be in a particular part of my premises?
No, anywhere in the public area that is convenient to you, and accessible to the user.
What do I do if someone abuses our hospitality by behaving anti-socially?
Any premises open to the public will from time to time have incidents of this type. Evidence from our pilot project is that participating in SIT STOP does not increase the frequency of such events. When they occur they should be addressed by staff in the way they have been trained.
Am I required to provide additional first aid training to staff because I participate in Sit Stop?
No, there is no incremental obligation beyond that which your business already has.
As a business providing a seat as part of the SIT STOP campaign do we get paid?
No. The campaign is entirely voluntary throughout.
I know of a business which provides seating but they are not SIT STOP participants. Should I say something to them?
We would be very pleased to know of public spirited businesses such as these! Displaying the SIT STOP logo helps the public, builds awareness of SIT STOP and assists recruitment of additional participant businesses.
By all means approach them to display the logo and put us in touch with them by giving us the name and address of the business and the name of the person you spoke to. Alternatively if you would like us to approach them just send us the details.
I use a business frequently but they have no seating which I feel they should provide. Would you approach them for me?
Yes, if we can get there. We have found that face to face is the best way to persuade people. We are south west London based. At this stage of the campaign it is not easy for us to approach businesses substantially outside our area. However, we are very happy to write to them if you supply the full postal address and the name of the manager. Our contact details are in the contacts section of this website.
Do I have to pay anything because I participate in SIT STOP?
No. We are a voluntary body. We are funded through donations which cover our costs of operation. All our team give their time without payment.
If I want to make a donation in support of SIT STOP what should I do?
Cheques payable to ‘SIT STOP’ will be very gratefully received. They can be mailed to us at the address on the contacts page.